تأملات فى آيــة اليوم...

ان الله يظهر محبته لنا لأنه محب. و لأنه يعرف اننا سوف نضيع بدونها. و لأنه يريد ان يظهر قوته لشعوب العالم. و لأنه يريدنا ان نعرف قدرته الرائعه على الانقاذ. و لكى نحترمه بشدة، ونمجده، ونبجله.

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

God demonstrates his love to us because he is loving. God demonstrates his love to us because he knows we would be lost without it. God demonstrates his love to us because he wants to show his power to the peoples of the world. God demonstrates his love for us because he wants us to know his awesome might to save. God demonstrates his love for us so we will deeply respect, honor, and revere him.


الهي القدوس القدير، امجدك لبهائك وقدرتك. و اسبحك لمحبتك ونعمتك. امجدك بقلب ملئ بالشكر. امجدك ورأسى منحنى فى وقار لامجدك وابجلك انت الاله الوحيد الحقيقى الحى. فلتقبل تمجيدي و تبجيلي لك فى قلبى وفى حياتى طالما احيا على هذه الأرض. في اسم يسوع. آمين.

My Prayer...

Holy and Almighty God, I worship you because of your majesty and might. I praise you for your love and grace. I thank you from a heart full of joy. I worship you with my head bowed low in reverence, to honor and glorify you, the only true and living God. I lift my hands to honor, glorify, and exalt you! I commit to offer my love and devotion to you from a heart overflowing with thanksgiving and through my life yielded to your holy will. In Jesus' name, I offer myself and my adoration to you. Amen.

التأملات و الصلاة على آيــة اليوم كتبت بواسطة فيل وير

Today's Verse Illustrated

Inspirational illustration of يشوع 23:4-24
