تأملات فى آيــة اليوم...

"يسوع هو الرب!" هذا لا يعنى فقط اننا سلمنا حياتنا لوصاياه ووثقنا بنعمته. "يسوع هو الرب!" هذا يعنى ان كل شئ خلق ملك له. كل الملائكة، الشياطين، والارواح تحت منه والغرض منهم ان يمجدوه ويخدموه. بالرغم من ان الشياطين اختارت ألا تمجده وتخدمه، هذا القرار لا يغير ما يجب ان يكون غرضهم ولا حقيقة ان يسوع اراهم تفوقه عليهم فى صلبه وقيامته. هذا يعنى ان الكون باتساعه ومجده، صنع به ومن اجل اعلان مجده. كصوره الله لنا، وجود الله لنا لنعرف ونرى، هو ملكنا، ربنا، ومخلصنا. اذا كانت حياتنا بين يديه وسلمت قلوبنا لوصاياه، فلا احد ولا شئ يستطيع ان يمنع نصره لنا وبنا.

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

"Jesus is Lord!" This means everything in all creation ranks below Jesus in authority and power. Every angel, demon, and spirit is subservient to Jesus. Their purpose, and the purpose of all creation, is to honor and serve Jesus. Even though demons have chosen not to honor and serve Jesus as Lord now, their rebellion does not change their purpose or alter the truth of Jesus' triumph over them. He showed his superiority over them through his crucifixion and resurrection (Colossians 2:12-15). With its vast expanse and magnificence, the universe was made by Jesus to declare his supremacy. When Jesus returns in glory, "every knee [will] bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father (Philippians 2:10-11).

Saying "Jesus is Lord!" doesn't necessarily mean that we have yielded our lives to his will and trusted in his grace, but it does mean we should recognize this truth and yield our lives in obedience before he returns in glory (Matthew 7:21-23). As God's image in human flesh, Jesus is Immanuel, God's presence among us as our King, Lord, and Savior (Matthew 1:23; John 1:1-18; Hebrews 1:1-3). When our lives and hearts are yielded to his will, then no one and nothing can prevent his ultimate victory for us from becoming God's ultimate reality for us!


إلهى القدوس القدير، اشكرك على ظهورك فى يسوع. اشكرك على انتصارك على كل القوى والكائنات المخلوقة. اشكرك على منحى الثقة انه بما اننى انتمى إليك، لا قوة خارجية او اى قوة وجود تستطيع ان تحصل على ما عندك. في اسمك يا الهي الخالق وملك الكل اصلى. آمين.

My Prayer...

Holy and Almighty God, thank you for revealing yourself in Jesus. Thank you for triumphing over all powers and every created thing and being. Thank you for giving me the confidence that I belong to you; no outside force nor any power in creation can have what belongs to you. In your name, O God, the Creator and King of all, I pray. Amen.

التأملات و الصلاة على آيــة اليوم كتبت بواسطة فيل وير

Today's Verse Illustrated

Inspirational illustration of كولوسي 16:1
