تأملات فى آيــة اليوم...

نحن ضعفاء وآثمون، لدينا يسوع ليكفر عن آثامنا وليشفع عنا امام ابينا، لكن مازال هناك بضعة مشاكل كبرى مع الخطية. هذه الآية تذكرنا باحدها: نحن لا نريد لخطيتنا ان تكون احراج لله او شعبه. لنتفادى الخطية لأن هذا ما يريدنا الله ان نفعله. لنتفادى الخطية لكى لا تنعكس بشكل سئ على شعب الله. لكن لنصلى لأنفسنا ايضا ولاخوتنا واخواتنا فى المسيح ان الله لن يسمح لسقطاتنا ان تجلب العار على كنيسته، ومسيحه، وقضيته.

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

While we're all weak and sinful, we are thankful to have Jesus to atone for our sins and to intercede before the Father on our behalf. Hallelujah for that grace! However, there are still a couple of significant problems with our sins. This verse reminds us of one of them. We don't want our sins to become a stumbling block to others or a disgrace to God and his people. Let's avoid sin because that is what God wants us to do. Let's avoid sin so it won't reflect poorly on God's people. Let's certainly avoid sin to keep from influencing others to sin. Let's also pray for ourselves and our brothers and sisters in Christ that God will not allow our failures to disgrace his Church, his Christ, and his cause.


سامحنى ايها الراعى المحب. انا اسف لتمردى على نعمتك. انا واثق حقا انك سامحتنى وطهرتنى من آثامى بتضحية يسوع. لكن ارجوك يا إلهى استخدم قوتك الإلهية لمنعهم من جلب العار او الاحراج لك ولشعبك. باسم يسوع الجبار اصلى. آمين.

My Prayer...

Forgive me, loving Shepherd, for my sins. I am sorry for rebelling against your grace. I am fully confident you have forgiven and cleansed me of my sins through Jesus' sacrifice. But please, dear God, use your divine power to prevent my sins and failures from bringing shame or embarrassment to you and your people as I seek to be a more redemptive influence on those around me. In Jesus' mighty name and based on your grace, I pray. Amen.

التأملات و الصلاة على آيــة اليوم كتبت بواسطة فيل وير

Today's Verse Illustrated

Inspirational illustration of مزامير 5:69-6
