
耶稣的洗礼后不久,他面对了撒旦艰苦又具有诱惑的40天。还记得撒旦的开头语是什么吗?“如果你是神的儿子... ...”这难道不伟大吗,上帝在人们提问之前就已经安抚他,确立了他们的关系。那些你爱的人今天需要听你说什么?你不知道他们的审判什么时候会来,你只要知道它会来,所以去吧,赶在必要之前去安抚他们吧!

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

Shortly after Jesus' baptism, he went to face Satan in a grueling forty days of temptations. Do you remember Satan's opening words to this time of temptation? "If you are the Son of God..." Wasn't it great that God had already reassured Jesus of his relationship, love, and delight in him right before it was questioned by the evil one? The Father knew the Son needed this affirmation before Jesus faced his time of trials and temptations. Indeed, those we love need similar reassurance, and they need it even more than Jesus did. And it's something they need from us! What do those you love need to hear from you today? You don't know when their time of trial will come, but you do know it will. So, please reassure them you are glad of your relationship with them, love for them, and delight in them. And, dear friend in Jesus, do it today!



My Prayer...

Almighty and loving Father, please help me say the right words of love and affection to those I love so that when temptations and trials come or when others try to draw them away from me, they will not doubt my love for them and your love for them. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

"今天的诗句"上的这些想法和祷告都由Phil Ware 编著。如有疑问或想评论欢迎访问 [email protected]

Today's Verse Illustrated

Inspirational illustration of 马可福音 1:11
