
这话听起来如此简单明了,不是吗?有点像报纸的标题上提到的一位我们不认识的垂死的人。冷冰冰而艰难的事实!但我们所知有所不同。在这恩典之词下躺着上帝破碎的心,来自天堂的那位的牺牲,本该是信徒的人们的暴行,和不会抛弃我们给残酷的“Deathmaster”(死亡之主)的上帝的急切搜寻子民的爱。” 对于那些知道以其高价的成本和动物的牺牲的献祭,这首诗不止表明一个标题:这是一个“graceline。(恩典的标语)” 不再需要其他牺牲品。把你带给神 — 不再有距离,上帝和我们之间不再有没有中间人。耶稣打开天堂的大门,神敞开心扉呼吁:“回家吧。我们一直在等你。”

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

It sounds so simple and straightforward, doesn't it? Kinda like the newspaper headline about someone dying that we don't know. Just cold, hard facts! But we know differently. Underneath this statement of grace lies the broken heart of God, the sacrifice of heaven, the brutality of supposedly religious men, and the searching love of our Father who would not abandon us to the cruel "Deathmaster" — Satan, the murderer from the beginning (John 8:44-45) For those who had once experienced animal sacrifice with its high personal cost and animal sacrifices, this verse is more than a headline: it is a "graceline." Jesus' "once for all" sacrifice meant that no more animal sacrifices would ever be needed (Hebrews 7:25-27, 9:11-14). It came with the promise that Jesus would "bring" all to "to God" who relied on Jesus' sacrifice — no more distance between God and us, no intermediaries between God and us. Jesus is heaven's open door and God's open heart saying, "Come home; I've been waiting for you."



My Prayer...

What words, O gracious Father, can I use to express my appreciation for your sacrifice and grace? I have none sufficient to say what I feel. But even in this realization, I know the gift of your Spirit ensures that you hear my words and my heart. Every good and lasting thing I have comes from your grace. Please receive my undying love and heartfelt praise for all you are, for all you have done, and for all you will be. In Jesus' precious name, I pray. Amen.

"今天的诗句"上的这些想法和祷告都由Phil Ware 编著。如有疑问或想评论欢迎访问 [email protected]

Today's Verse Illustrated

Inspirational illustration of 彼得前书 3:18
