
神赐予了我们如此之多的美好应许。神通过差下他的爱子“战胜死亡并带来生命与永生” 确认了他的应许。神将使“我们这卑贱的身体改变形状,和他自己荣耀的身体相似”。神将带领我们回到天家,永远与他同在。但神将一直住在我们里面,将自己启示给我们,直到我们回天家的那一天。神将使我们超乎得胜,并且决不会使任何事物使我们与他的爱隔绝。那么我们当如何回应呢?是啊,我们当然要献上赞美,然而我们决不能将赞美局限于言辞。神期望我们清洁,远离罪、卑劣、堕落与败坏。神期望我们这么做,并非要使我们能够宣称某些道德优势,而是向他献上爱慕与尊崇。切莫忘记,我们渴望赞美神,最美好的方式之一便是寻求神的洁净与圣洁!

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

God has blessed us with so many wonderful promises. He has secured them through the sending of his Son "to conquer death and bring life and immortality to life." He will "transform our lowly bodies to be like his glorious body." He will take us home to be with him eternally, but until that day, he will live inside us and reveal himself to us. He will make us more than conquerors and will not allow anything to separate us from his love. So what should our response be? Yes, sure we should offer him praise. But, we must not limit our praise to words. God wants our lives to be pure, staying away from what is evil, vile, putrid, and corrupt. He wants us to do this, not so we can claim some moral superiority, but so that we can show him our adoration and reverence. In our desire to offer God praise, let's not forget that one of the greatest ways to praise him is to seek him in purity and holiness!



My Prayer...

Forgive me, Heavenly Father, for my sins. Purify my heart and cast out any foothold the devil may have in me because of my sin. Empower me to holiness and accept my life as an offering of praise and thanks to you. In the name of Jesus, I offer you my heart, my life, and my all. Amen.

"今天的诗句"上的这些想法和祷告都由Phil Ware 编著。如有疑问或想评论欢迎访问 [email protected]

Today's Verse Illustrated

Inspirational illustration of 哥林多后书 7:1
