
受苦!苦难如何成为恩典呢?若非为主耶稣的缘故就不算蒙恩。还记得当初使徒们是如何因配为主耶稣的名受辱而喜乐吗?(参见使徒行传5:41) 看啊,主耶稣为我们受苦,使我们能够得救赎。当我们因基督与天国的缘故受苦时,便是鼓励他人在患难中持守信心,同时向世人展现了我们信心的真挚。极少人有任何值得他们生、死或经受患难的事物。然而我们拥有以上三点的理由:我们的生命将进入主耶稣的得胜!(参见罗马书8:32-39;哥林多前书15)

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

Suffer! How is suffering a privilege? It's not unless it is for Jesus. Remember how the early apostles were joyful because they were counted worthy to suffer for the name? (cf. Acts 5:41) You see, he suffered for us so we could be saved. When we face suffering for the cause of Christ and his Kingdom, we help inspire others to live faithfully in adversity and show to all the genuineness of our faith. So few have anything worthy of their living, dying, or suffering. We have reason for all three: our lives will be caught up in Jesus' victory! (cf. Rom. 8:32-39; 1 Cor. 15)



My Prayer...

Make me courageous, O God! Help me to be faithful in times of trouble and strong in times of persecution, hardship, and suffering. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

"今天的诗句"上的这些想法和祷告都由Phil Ware 编著。如有疑问或想评论欢迎访问 [email protected]

Today's Verse Illustrated

Inspirational illustration of 腓立比书 1:29
