Gedanken zum Vers des Tages

Gott ist souverän, allmächtig und ohne Gleichen! Umso erstaunlicher ist es, dass er sich stets dazu entscheidet, uns mit seiner Gnade zu segnen, bevor er uns zur Anbetung oder Gehorsam ruft. In fast alle anderen Religionen, verlangen deren Götter erst Fügung, Opfer und Gehorsam, ehe sie ihre Gunst zusprechen. Der einzig wahre und lebendige Gott bietet uns zuerst Gnade an, um uns ‚dann’ zum Gehorsam zu rufen. Er besitzt nicht nur das Recht, von uns zu bitten ‚keine anderen Götter zu haben’, sondern ist würdig, unser einziger HERR zu sein – wegen seiner bewiesenen Liebe und unvergleichbaren Herrlichkeit!

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

God had delivered his people from Egypt through the Red Sea, the ten plagues, and led them to this mountain, where he came down to give Moses and his people his Ten Commandments. They didn't earn God's presence, deserve his deliverance, and certainly had not earned his affection. However, God had blessed them with deliverance because of his grace and to honor his promises to Abraham. As God, the Lord, is Sovereign, all-powerful, and without rival. Amazingly, throughout the Scriptures, God follows this same pattern. He repeatedly blesses his people with grace; only then does he call his people to worship and obedience. The gods of other religions demanded adherence, sacrifice, and obedience BEFORE they would bless people with their favor. As the Lord, the great "I Am," revealed to Moses (Exodus 3:4-13), he is worthy of being recognized as God. Having demonstrated his grace, love, mercy, and incomparable glory to Israel, he now calls on them to have no other gods; he alone is to be worshiped!

Mein Gebet

Allmächtiger Gott, du bist aller Ehre, Anbetung und des Lobes würdig. Möge mein Herz immer wegen deiner Herrlichkeit ehrfurchtsvoll und wegen deiner Gnade dankbar bleiben. Lass meine Liebe und Loyalität zu dir nicht absterben. In ganzer Liebe und Achtung bete ich in Jesu Namen. Amen.

My Prayer...

Almighty God, you alone ARE worthy of all honor, worship, and praise. I want my heart always to revere you, respect your glory, and appreciate your grace. Please don't let me outlive my love and allegiance to you. I pray this in Jesus' name with all my love and respect. Amen.

Die Gedanken zum Vers des Tages und die Gebete werden von Phil Ware verfasst. Fragen und Kommentare senden Sie bitte an [email protected].

Today's Verse Illustrated

Inspirational illustration of 5 Mose 5:6-7
