Pensamientos sobre el Verso de Hoy

La vida puede ser confusa. Hay tantas opciones cuando consideramos los valores que nos guiarán. ¿Cómo vamos a encontrar el mejor camino? ¿lo que Dios quiere? Le pediremos que Él nos muestre. Él es nuestra esperanza. Nos da la salvación. ¿Por qué no pedimos su ayuda para conocer la verdad? ¿Por qué no esperamos que se nos aclare? Si tenemos corazones abiertos y buscamos sus caminos, Él nos hará conocer su voluntad.

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

Life can be so confusing. We have many choices as we decide the values governing our lives. So how will we find the best way — and much more importantly, God's way — to live? We ask God to show us! Our hope is in him. Our salvation is in him. So why not ask him to guide us and teach us his truth? Why not expect that he will make his will known to us? If our hearts are open to his truth and we seek his path, he will make his will known. So, as we seek the answers to our questions, and as we seek to know God's truth from the Scriptures, let's invite God to help us:

Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.

Mi oración

Oh Dios poderoso, guía fiel de mi vida, ayúdame conocer mejor tu voluntad. Quiero vivir por ti. Quiero agradarte. Quiero que otros vean mi lealtad a ti, no solo por mis palabras, sino por mi forma de vivir. En el nombre de Jesús, Amén.

My Prayer...

O mighty God, the only accurate guide to life, please help me know your will more completely. I want to live for you and to please you. I want others to know of my allegiance to you — not just through the words I speak but also through the character of my conduct. I want my life to demonstrate that you are guiding me, and my hope is in you! In Jesus' name, I ask this. Amen.

Los pensamientos y la Oración del Verso de Hoy son escritos por Phil Ware. Puede enviar sus preguntas o comentarios a [email protected].

Today's Verse Illustrated

Inspirational illustration of Salmo 25:4-5
