
斯莫基熊(一个广告吉祥物,以教育美国公众森林火灾的危险。)说:“只有你可以防止森林火灾!”基本上,这就是圣人谈到说闲话一样。我们可以通过降低高温,扑灭大火,并让争吵停止。 怎么样做到?通过不提供详细有多汁的八卦,不冲动地传播破坏性的影射,并拒绝传播丑陋的谣言。没有八卦,竞争的苦味能溶解,关系可以修复。

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

Ol' Smokey The Bear said: "Only you can prevent forest fires!" Basically, that's what the Wiseman of Proverbs says about gossip. We can turn down the heat, douse the fire, and let the quarrel die. How? By not supplying juicy morsels of gossip, ditching the urge to spread destructive innuendos, and refusing to keep alive an ugly rumor. Without gossip, the bitterness of a rivalry can dissolve, and relationships can mend.



My Prayer...

Forgive me, O God, for I have sometimes kept gossip alive or entertained a conversation with someone who gossips. Please bless and heal those whom I have wounded with my participation in gossip. Give me the strength to say only what is helpful to bless others according to their needs, the courage to mend the relationships I have damaged because of my reckless words, and the wisdom to know how to discourage those seeking to spread gossip in front of me. In Jesus' name, I ask it. Amen.

"今天的诗句"上的这些想法和祷告都由Phil Ware 编著。如有疑问或想评论欢迎访问 [email protected]

Today's Verse Illustrated

Inspirational illustration of 箴言 26:20
