تأملات فى آيــة اليوم...
ذكرنا يعقوب أمس بأهمية "كلامنا". واليوم يذكرنا بمسيرتنا. الديانة الحقيقة ليست كلها كلام. يجب ان نعيش ونحب كما فعل المسيح. افتقاد الأرامل، واليتامى، والآخرين المهملين كما نحفظ انفسنا طاهرين لله هو ما يتمحور حوله "الحياة فى المسيح."
Thoughts on Today's Verse...
Yesterday James reminded us how important our "talk" is. Today he reminds us about the importance of our "walk": we are called to talk and walk honorably before God! True religion is not all talk. We must live and love as Jesus Christ did. God has always called his people to care for the widow and the fatherless, and he challenges us to offer genuine help to others who are forgotten, overlooked, and find themselves as outsiders (Deuteronomy 15:1-18). As Jesus' followers, we must care for others while keeping ourselves holy to God. James, the half-brother of Jesus, wants us to know that this is what "Christyle-living" is all about!
يا إلهى المحب، اجعلنى ارى الناس الذين يحتاجون لبركاتك. ارشدنى من فضلك للناس فى كنيستنا، والاحياء القريبة، والعمل او المدرسة الذين يشعرون انهم مهملين. ساعدنى ألا اراهم فقط، بل ان احتويهم كى يعرفوا المحبة التى لديك لهم! باسم يسوع اصلى. آمين.
My Prayer...
Loving God, give me eyes to see the people that need your blessing. Please lead me to the folks in our church and the people in my neighborhood, work, and school who feel forgotten and overlooked. Help me not only to see them but also include them so they can know your love for them! In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.