اندیشه ها در مورد آیه امروز...

هنگامیکه ما مسیحی میشویم،‌ما نسبت به انسانیت کهنه گناه مردیم و بصورت شخص تازه ای قیام کردیم. وقتی که ما با وسوسه ها دست و پنجه نرم میکنیم، ما هم اکنون دارای قدرت رستاخیز هستیم و روح القدس در باطن ما کار میکند و ما را یاری میدهد.

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

When we became Christians, we died to the old person of sin and were raised up a new person. In baptism, we shared with Jesus in his death, burial, and resurrection (Romans 6:3-14) so that we can share in his victory over sin, death, Satan, and hell. Our lives are now securely joined to Jesus and his future glory (Colossians 2:12-15, 3:1-4). While we have battles with temptation and face trials in this world, we also now have the power of the resurrection and the Holy Spirit at work within us to help us overcome them (John 16:33) — to keep the old, dead, and sinful person buried as the new person awaits the arrival of our Lord and King, Jesus!

دعای من

ای پدر عادل، کمکم کن تا گناه مرده و طرد شده از گذشته ام را دور از قلبم و خارج از زندگیم نگاه دارم. باشد که زندگی من قربانی مقدس و پسندیده تو باشد. در نام عیسی نجات دهنده خود میطلبم. آمین.

My Prayer...

Righteous Father, help me keep the dead and cast-away sin of my past far away from my heart and out of my life. May my life be a holy sacrifice that is pleasing to you. I ask for the Holy Spirit to fill me with confident hope, knowing that in Jesus, I can overcome the trials and temptations of this world. In the name of my Savior, Jesus, I pray. Amen.

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Today's Verse Illustrated

Inspirational illustration of غلاطیان۲۴:۵
