تأملات فى آيــة اليوم...

كمسيحيين، نحن لم ندعى لكى نعزل انفسنا عن المجتمع. نحن لم ندعى لكى نكون ناسكين او رهبان. لكن ان ندرك اننا نعيش فى عالم مظلم ونعيش كنور — ليس كشمع صغير، بل كشمع شامخ يراه الجميع. بالطبع هدفنا ليس جلب الانتباه لأنفسنا، بل مساعدة الآخرين فى رؤية نعمة أبينا.

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

As Christians, we are not called to isolate ourselves from culture. We are not called to be hermits detached from the lost world around us. Instead, we are to recognize that we are in this world of darkness to live as light — not as little candles tucked away in some inner bedroom, but as bright lights set on their stands so all can see their light. As Jesus' disciples, we are called to be a city on a hill whose lights can't be hidden. Of course, our goal is not to call attention to ourselves but to help others see the glorious grace of our Father so they will come to Jesus, who is the one, true Light of the World!


يا آبانا السماوى فلتبارك حياتى الناس اليوم، وكل يوم، لكى يرونك ويروا محبتك بوضوح. باسم يسوع اصلى. آمين.

My Prayer...

Dear Heavenly Father, may my life bless others so they can see you and your love more clearly. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

التأملات و الصلاة على آيــة اليوم كتبت بواسطة فيل وير

Today's Verse Illustrated

Inspirational illustration of متى 16:5
