

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

Our hope, our salvation, and our foundation for faith is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This Gospel is the same as that Gospel first preached by the apostles and passed on to the believers in the early church. With so many confusing and conflicting ideas present in the world, we need to go back and be reminded of our simple faith in Jesus and his death, burial and resurrection. We need to unclutter our hearts from all the ideas and issues that so often divide our churches and rip apart our fellowships and hear the words of the old hymn, "Simply to Thy Cross I cling." Today, let's be reminded of that simple Gospel of Jesus and build our life there.



My Prayer...

Almighty and Precious Father, I love you. I cannot begin to thank you enough for your love and grace, displayed so powerfully to me in Jesus. I know the basis for my hope and the foundation on which I build my life is the Gospel of your dear Son. Thank you for giving me something so simple, steadfast, and sure. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

"今天的诗句"上的这些想法和祷告都由Phil Ware 编著。如有疑问或想评论欢迎访问 [email protected]

Today's Verse Illustrated

Inspirational illustration of 哥林多前书 15:1
