
“走吧。”我们确实需要退出 — 不是隔一段时间一次而是每天如此!令人难以置信的是,耶稣邀请他的门徒(今天是我们!)与他一起撤回到一个安静的地方休息。小童年祷告最合适不过了:“现在我躺下睡觉,祈祷上帝安抚我的灵魂。”这不只仅仅是一个良好的夜间睡眠;它是花时间在我们的狂野的和疯狂的白天后,中间加入他而接受恩典,休息,恢复精力的时刻。让我们让这神的话语的每日停留不仅是快速地查阅这封电子邮件;让我们让它成为一个与救主一起退出,并休息几分钟!

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

"Come away." We do need to withdraw — not once in a while, but often, even daily! Incredibly, Jesus invites his disciples (Today, that's us!) to withdraw with him to a quiet place and rest with him. The little childhood prayer is appropriate: "Now I lay me down to sleep and pray the Lord my soul to keep." Only this isn't just about a good night's sleep; it's about taking time in the middle of our wild and crazy days to join him for a few moments of grace, rest, and refreshment. Let's make these daily stops in God's Word more than quick e-mail viewing; let's let it be a time to withdraw with the Savior and rest. Jesus still beckons us: "Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest."



My Prayer...

Holy and gentle Shepherd, the one who stills my soul, thank you for your constant care and loving faithfulness. Please touch my heart as I try to be more disciplined in my rest times with you. Please keep my soul, but even more, please restore my soul as I withdraw to spend time with your Son and my Savior Jesus, in whose name I pray. Amen.

"今天的诗句"上的这些想法和祷告都由Phil Ware 编著。如有疑问或想评论欢迎访问 [email protected]

Today's Verse Illustrated

Inspirational illustration of 马可福音 6:31
