
在铺天盖地,惊心动魄,令人沮丧的耶利米的预言中,上帝一再告诉他的人民,他会因他们的固执和铁石心肠毁掉他们。然而,在这些强大的灼人警告中,神也让希望和恩典在各种通道里飙升。你能想到的任何东西比上帝的承诺“清去疲惫和带来满足”更让人放心?以色列的七十年所拥有的 — 上帝的应许。但是,当时间到了,上帝对他的话造好。我相信他将在同样在今天与我们联系!

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

In Jeremiah's overwhelming, hair-raising, and depressing prophecies, God repeatedly told his people he would destroy their things and places because of their obstinate, ever-rebellious, and hardened hearts. Yet, in the middle of these powerful and scorching warnings, God slips in messages that soar with hope, restoration, and grace beyond the destruction. Can you think of anything more reassuring than God's promise to "refresh the weary and satisfy the faint"? That's all Israel had for seventy years — God's promise amid total destruction. But when the time came, God made good on his promises and prophecies. I believe he will do the same with us today!



My Prayer...

Great Shepherd, I am tired and weary. Please refresh my Spirit and renew the strength of my body. Please help me find satisfaction in the abundance you have already so graciously and lavishly shared with me. To you belongs all glory, honor, strength, and power. I joyously submit myself in faith, waiting for the rest and satisfaction you have promised. In Jesus' name, I pray and praise you. Amen.

"今天的诗句"上的这些想法和祷告都由Phil Ware 编著。如有疑问或想评论欢迎访问 [email protected]

Today's Verse Illustrated

Inspirational illustration of 耶利米书 31:25
