
最后的嘱托!孩子离家上大学时家长的嘱托;好朋友搬去远方前的嘱托;这些嘱托都是用心的选择,为要留下最后的影响。主耶稣最后的话语是我们前行的命令:“去使万民作我的门徒”,主耶稣强调,“你必须去到他们中间,给他们施洗,凡我所吩咐的都教训他们遵守。” 这些话语并不难理解,那么我们是如何做到遵守这些最后的诫命呢?

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

Last words! The last words of a parent to a child leaving for college... The last words of a loved one at the bedside of someone dying... The last words of a friend before moving to a distant place... These last words are chosen with care because they leave a lasting impact. Jesus' last words are our marching orders. "Go make disciples of all peoples! To do this," he emphasized, "you must go where they are, baptize them, and then teach them to do what I taught you to do." The words are not hard to understand, so what are we doing about obeying those last commands?



My Prayer...

Father from whom all peoples derive their hope, use your Spirit to rouse within me a passion to share your grace with others. Nudge me out of my safety zone and call me into your empowering and sacrificial grace so that I can help others come to know you. In the saving name of Jesus I pray. Amen.

"今天的诗句"上的这些想法和祷告都由Phil Ware 编著。如有疑问或想评论欢迎访问 [email protected]

Today's Verse Illustrated

Inspirational illustration of 马太福音 28:18-20
