
你“去教堂吗”? 我希望不是!现在不要误会我的意思;我不主张你在这个星期天跳过做礼拜和团契!我们被告知作为信徒不要放弃团契聚会(希伯来书10:25)。但是,当我们作为信徒团聚一体的时候,我们是聚在一起相互鼓励,并与神会面。我们不是去教堂;我们就是教堂! (新约圣经从未使用教堂这个词去指建筑物!)在旧约时代神警告他的子民,只是简单地去做礼拜的地方是毫无价值的。相反,他们需要寻求他!我相信这正是上帝要我们做的。当我们在一起寻求他,我们去相互分享团契友谊,安慰和鼓励。

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

Do you "go to church"? I hope not! Don't get me wrong; I'm not advocating you skip worship and fellowship this Sunday! We're told not to forsake gathering together as believers (Hebrews 10:25). But when we assemble as a body of believers, we gather together for encouragement and meeting with God (1 Corinthians 14). We're not GOING to church; we ARE the church! (The New Testament never used the word church to refer to a building!) God warned his people in Old Testament times that simply going to the places of worship and going through the motions was worthless. As much as they valued these holy places — Bethel, Gilgal, and Beersheba — they needed to seek the Lord to find genuine life! I believe that is precisely what God would have us do. And as we seek him together, we get to share fellowship, comfort, and encouragement with each other. As we do, we discover life with him!



My Prayer...

Holy and loving Father, as I face this week's struggles, it is comforting to know I am never away from your loving presence. I love those times when I meet with other believers in your presence, and our worship is powerful and encouraging. While I know you are always with us when we gather together, sometimes my heart, life circumstances, and relationship issues derail my awareness of your presence. This week, dear Father, I pray for our worship assembly to be vibrant and powerful. I pray for your presence to be palpably near. I pray that you will be honored by what we do to encourage each other and praise you. Please use this day to draw us near to you. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

"今天的诗句"上的这些想法和祷告都由Phil Ware 编著。如有疑问或想评论欢迎访问 [email protected]

Today's Verse Illustrated

Inspirational illustration of 阿摩司书 5:4-5
