
耶稣来拯救我们! 为什么呢?因为他知道我们生活的时代不容易。他知道,在我们生活的这个世界陷入了邪恶。然而,这并不是唯一的事实。他通过他的十字架给了我们伟大的胜利。难怪我们可以以恩典和平安互相问候。是他买给我们的。

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

Jesus has come for our rescue! Why? Because he knows the times in which we live aren't easy. He knows that the world in which we live is caught up in wickedness. He knows our world is broken and in decay. These, however, are not the only realities we face in our world. Jesus gave us overwhelming victory over sin, death, demons, and hell through his cross (Colossians 2:12-15). Now, we can greet each day and each other with grace and face the future with confident peace, knowing our Lord is near and our rescue is assured (Philippians 4:5; James 5:8; Luke 21:28).



My Prayer...

Father, please help me distinguish between good and evil as I seek to live for you daily. Make evil repulsive to me despite the many ways that Satan tries to make it look attractive and seductive. Thank you, Jesus, for coming to my rescue when I was a sinner and unable to save myself. Thank you for sharing your grace and giving me peace. Thank you for returning to take me with you to share in your glory. Through the intercession of the blessed Holy Spirit, I offer my thanks and praise. Amen.

"今天的诗句"上的这些想法和祷告都由Phil Ware 编著。如有疑问或想评论欢迎访问 [email protected]

Today's Verse Illustrated

Inspirational illustration of 加拉太书 1:3-4
