Pensamientos sobre el Verso de Hoy

El amor es verdadero no solo en palabra, sino en la acción. El amor se comparte aun cuando no es fácil o seguro actuar. El amor redime cuando parece que se ha perdido toda esperanza. El amor es más que la esencia de Dios, es también lo que hace y da.

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

Love is demonstrated, not just communicated verbally. When the Scriptures tell us that God loves us, they always show God's actions that demonstrate that love. Here, John wants us to realize that God's love goes first. God demonstrates and shares his love with us before we demonstrate our love for him. He doesn't wait till it is safe to love us. He doesn't wait until he will get something in return. Instead, he goes first and defines his love in this way so that we can know that genuine love redeems when all hope seems lost — when we are not worthy, and when we are not ready. God is love, and we know this because of what his love does, had done, and will give to us even before we choose to love him.

Mi oración

Gracias, Amado Padre Celestial, por amarme tan extravagantemente. Ayúdame a ver las oportunidades de amar a los demás personas que pones en mi camino todos los días. Utilízame para demonstrar tu amor a alguien que lo necesite hoy y cada día. En el nombre de Jesús oro, Amen.

My Prayer...

Thank you, dear Heavenly Father, for loving me so extravagantly. Please help me see the opportunities to love others you place in my path every day. Use me, please, dear Father, to demonstrate your love to someone today and the following days of my life. Help me go first with love in my life. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

Los pensamientos y la Oración del Verso de Hoy son escritos por Phil Ware. Puede enviar sus preguntas o comentarios a [email protected].

Today's Verse Illustrated

Inspirational illustration of 1a. de Juan 4:10
