تأملات فى آيــة اليوم...

انها لمسافة كبيرة — من شروق الشمس لغروبها، و لقد ابعد الله عنا معاصينا بهذا القدر. عندما نخطئ ونأتى إلى الله فى توبة و ندم، لا يغفر الله لنا فقط بل يطهرنا من كل دنس. و الذى كان غير مقدس في صار صالح فيه. الذى كان غير طاهر صار طاهرا. الذي كان ملوثا اصبح نقيا. كيف اصبح ذلك؟ لان الله لا يرى خطايانا، بل يرانا ابرار من خلال يسوع. فدمه يطهرنا وينقينا! لقد تلاشت معاصينا واصبحنا طاهرين.

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

Now that's a long way — from the sun's rising to the sun's setting, that's how far God has removed our sins. But the keyword is removed. When we sin and come to God in repentance, God not only forgives our sins; he also purifies us of ALL unrighteousness. What was unholy in me is made righteous in him. What was impure is now clean. What was stained is spotless.

How is this possible? God gives us grace in Jesus![1]

We can now see more fully what the Psalmist could have only known in part. God doesn't see our sins but Jesus' sacrifice. Jesus' blood purifies and cleanses us! Our sin is gone, and we are clean.

[1] Paul describes our new identity, in Christ, in Colossians 1:22: But now [God] has reconciled you by Christ's physical body through death to present you holy in his sight, without blemish and free from accusation...


يا إله الرحمة، اشكرك لأنك لم تغفر لى فقط، بل ابعدت ذنوبى. اشكرك لأننى استطيع ان اقف امامك مقدس وبدون ذنب بسبب دم يسوع ورغبتك الكريمة للغفران. اسألك يا أبى الصالح ان تقوينى بروحك القدس لكى يعكس سلوكى تقديرك لى فى يسوع. في اسم المسيح، ابنك ومخلصى، اصلى. آمين.

My Prayer...

Father of mercies, thank you for forgiving my sins and removing them. I thank you that I can stand before you holy and without fault because of the blood of Jesus and your gracious desire to forgive me. I now ask, Righteous Father, that you strengthen me with your Holy Spirit so that my conduct will reflect your estimate of me in Jesus. I pray in the name of Christ Jesus, your Son, and my Savior. Amen.

التأملات و الصلاة على آيــة اليوم كتبت بواسطة فيل وير

Today's Verse Illustrated

Inspirational illustration of مزامير 12:103
