تأملات فى آيــة اليوم...

"احذرى يا اذناى الصغيرة مما تسمعى ... لأن آبانا فى السماوات ينظر لنا فى محبة، لذلك احذرى مما تسمعى." الله لا يريد ان يُسمع فقط؛ يريد ان يدخل كلامه فى نظامنا ويغير حياتنا. كلما استقبلنا بركات كلام الله، كلما غيرتنا. اذا لم تغيرنا، فالمشكلة ليست فى الرسالة بل فى المستمع!

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

"O be careful little ears what you hear ... for the Father up above is looking down in love, so be careful little ears what you hear." Sometimes, our children's songs say things in the easiest ways to understand. God doesn't want just to be heard aloud; he wants his Word to enter our systems and change our lives. We must carefully filter out things we don't need to hear and focus more intentionally on what we do need to hear! The more we receive the gift of God's words and apply them, the more they will change us and bless us.


من فضلك افتح عينى، واذنى، وقلبى، وعقلى، يا أبى، لكى اخصص رسالتك فى حياتى. باركنى من فضلك يا أبى، لكى يرى فى حياتى ما اسمعه فى كلامك. باسم يسوع الغالى اصلى. آمين.

My Prayer...

Please open my eyes, ears, heart, and mind, dear Father, so that I can appropriate your message into my life. I want to hear your messages, and I want to apply each of those messages in my life each day. Bless me, please, dear Father, so that what I hear in your word becomes displayed in my life. In Jesus' precious name, I pray. Amen.

التأملات و الصلاة على آيــة اليوم كتبت بواسطة فيل وير

Today's Verse Illustrated

Inspirational illustration of مرقس 24:4-25
