
锈渍,草渍,血渍,巧克力渍 — ARGH!这些污渍真的是在洗衣房里的恶梦。他们不只是留在织物表面上的一个污点,但也留下渗入衣服纤维里的残留物。邪恶也是如此。我们绝不能自欺欺人。邪恶腐化,腐化他所接触的东西,包括体面的人的心,这就是为什么我们呼吁远离邪恶,防备其外观。这也是为什么耶稣会死:不仅战胜了邪恶,但也清洗了污点,及其残留物。

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

Rust stains, grass stains, blood stains, chocolate stains. ARGH! Those stains are real nightmares in the laundry room. They don't just leave a stain on the fabric's surface, but they also leave a residue that infiltrates the fibers of our clothes. Evil is that way with our souls. We must not kid ourselves. Evil corrupts and leaves a residue that corrupts everything it touches and permeates — including the hearts of otherwise decent people. That's why we are urged to stay far away from evil and avoid its very appearance. That's also why Jesus died: not only to overcome the evil one but also to clean away the stain and purify our hearts from all of its residues.



My Prayer...

Father, guard my path and give me good Christian friends who will help guard my life from evil. In addition, dear Father, please help me as I seek to share Christ's cleansing and liberating power with those around me who are caught in evil's destructive and deceptive grasp. In the mighty name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.

"今天的诗句"上的这些想法和祷告都由Phil Ware 编著。如有疑问或想评论欢迎访问 [email protected]

Today's Verse Illustrated

Inspirational illustration of 提多书 1:15
