
败坏之先必有骄傲!尝试平衡这两条真理:“我决不能骄傲,同时也必须明白神多么看重我的价值。” 这并不容易。撒但能够使用我们的自我诋毁,也被称为毫无价值的蠕虫综合症,使我们气馁,使我们无法使用自己的恩赐,使我们无法知道自己在天国的工作中对于神的价值。而另一方面,骄傲将神驱逐,将所有对天国的贡献都归给我们而非归给神。同时具备神的形象和败坏了的人类形象,这不仅仅只是神学问题,而是我们作为门徒每天经历的挣扎。然而靠着赞美那位造我们做他儿女并接纳我们进入他大家庭的神,我们能够保持正确的平衡。

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

Pride does go before a fall! Try balancing these two truths: "I must not be prideful, but I must understand just how much God values me." It's not easy. Satan can use our self denigration, what I call the worthless worm syndrome, to discourage us and keep us from using our gifts and knowing our value to God for Kingdom work. On the other hand, pride takes God out of the picture and attributes any contribution to God's Kingdom to us and not to God. To be both bearer of the image of God and part of fallen humanity is more than a theological issue; it is the daily struggle of being a disciples. But we maintain the proper balance by praising the One who made us his child and adopted us into his family.



My Prayer...

Holy Father, as your child, redeemed at the cost of Jesus' life, I know I am loved and valuable to you. I know you have given me abilities and gifts to use for your glory and to bless your church. But Father, I do not want to ever think that my abilities are somehow tied to my superiority or work. I know you have given me the gifts, abilities, and experiences that have shaped me, so please empower me to your glory. But Father, I never want the glory that is achieved from your gifts to puff me up or rob from me the realization that I am what I am, I have what I have, and I do what I do, because of your grace and your generous gifts. May I ever be your humble but valuable child at work in your Kingdom. I pray in the name of Jesus, my older brother and your Son. Amen.

"今天的诗句"上的这些想法和祷告都由Phil Ware 编著。如有疑问或想评论欢迎访问 [email protected]

Today's Verse Illustrated

Inspirational illustration of 罗马书 12:3
