
谁是你最亲密的朋友?肤浅矫情难以产生好朋友。 “和一堆人混在一起” 给我们一种虚假的归属感,却往往使我们在患难的时候感到受伤和孤独。一段公开,诚实,支持,友爱关系的发生不会在没有任何投资的情况下就会出现。求主在他的家庭里带给你亲密的朋友。传播福音和服务于你周围的人。听他们的要求,忠实地祈祷上帝维护他们。花时间与其他信徒一起。加入圣经学习或事工组。当你这样做,相信上帝会给你“同甘共苦的朋友”,同伴很容易找到,但并你不是每一个都可靠。在基督教的朋友身上投资精力和时间,但他们是与我们永远相伴的朋友。

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

Who are your closest friends? Genuine friendships are challenging in a world of superficial acquaintances, shallow relationships, online friends, and chronic busyness. Today's meaning of "friend" is nearly empty of substance. "Hanging with the crowd" can give us a false sense of belonging but often leaves us wounded and alone in times of trouble. Open, honest, supportive, and loving relationships don't happen without investment in time together. Ask the Lord to lead you to close friends in his family. Minister to and serve those around you. Listen to their requests, faithfully upholding them in prayer. Spend time in Christian service with other servant believers. Join a Bible study or support group. As you do, trust that God will give you a stick-through-thick-and-thin-kind-of-friend as you pray to have "a friend who sticks closer than a brother." Companions are easy to find but can be unreliable. The development of genuine Christian friends is an investment of effort and time, but they are friends with whom we will share forever.


珍贵的上帝,因我的朋友们(包括朋友的名字) 感谢你。拜托,亲爱的爸爸,本周带我到需要我做他或她的朋友的生活中。祝福那些与帮助他们和上帝同行的基督徒朋友一起读今日诗句的人们。非常谢谢你亲爱的爸爸,以我最好的朋友耶稣之名祷告。阿门。

My Prayer...

Precious God, I thank you for my friends... (Include the names of your friends here.) Please, dear Father, lead me into the life of people this week who need me to be their friend. Bless all those who read Today's Verse with a Christian friend. I pray that they will help each other in their walk with you. Thank you so much, dear Father, for my faithful friend, Jesus, in whose name I pray. Amen.

"今天的诗句"上的这些想法和祷告都由Phil Ware 编著。如有疑问或想评论欢迎访问 [email protected]

Today's Verse Illustrated

Inspirational illustration of 箴言 18:24
