
最近的一次你在教堂之外唱赞美上帝的歌或灵修的事奉是什么时候?为什么不打开诗篇,发现一些诗句,反映你自己对上帝的赞美和感谢,给他们一个音调 — 你自己的曲子!上帝不在乎是否你的圣灵礼物是音乐还是什么;他只是在你分享你的赞美和感恩时,听你满心喜悦的心。

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

When was the last time you sang praises to God outside a church building or devotional service with other believers? Why not open up the Psalms and find several verses that reflect your personal praise and thanks to God? Then, give them a tune — your own tune! God doesn't care if your spiritual gift is music or singing; he's just listening for your heart to be joyful as you share your praise and thanksgiving with him. Let's join in saying and doing what our verse for today commands: "I will praise God's name in song and glorify him with thanksgiving."



My Prayer...

O gracious Father, giver of every good and perfect gift, forgive me for relegating my thanksgiving and praise to special days and special places. I praise you for creating your human children with the capacity to celebrate goodness, to rejoice in your creation, and to have the capacity for praise and thanksgiving. Thank you for making our world so full of reasons to offer thanks to you, our Abba Father and Creator. As you continually fill me with your Spirit, may my heart overflow with songs of praise and words of thanksgiving. To your glory, in Jesus' holy name, I pray and praise you. Amen.

"今天的诗句"上的这些想法和祷告都由Phil Ware 编著。如有疑问或想评论欢迎访问 [email protected]

Today's Verse Illustrated

Inspirational illustration of 诗篇 69:30
