
“甚至连提都不要提!” 嗯......难道你不希望这是真的吗?我去的教会和见到的人多数达不到这一标准。如果性诱惑没有绊倒我们,经常贪婪就会上身。在炫耀性的消费文化下,贪婪使得我不道德和不纯洁。不是因为我不在乎纯洁,而是因为我们对自己的贪婪变得麻木不仁。在给予的季节,让我们诚实地审视我们的心,审视我们“想要的”,“将得到的” 和“拥有的”。

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

"Not even a hint!" Hmmmm! The church I attend and the person I see most often in the mirror don't quite measure up to this directive of "not even a hint...! If the sexual saturation of our society doesn't get us or the impure things of our culture don't do us in, greed often does. In our world of conspicuous consumption, greed concerns me as much as the immorality and impurity of modern times because it is rooted in the same selfishness as those other temptations. It is not that I am unconcerned with sexual immorality or impurity but that we have become so calloused and blind to our own greed. In this season of giving, let's honestly examine our hearts about our "wanting," "getting," and "possessing." Let's choose to be people who share, care, and give thanks!



My Prayer...

Forgive me, generous Lord, for my bouts with selfishness and greed. Please give me a heart like yours that is generous, gracious, and loving. You demonstrated your heart when you shared your most precious gift with sinners like me — your Son and my Savior, Jesus. Now, I am a child at your table and an heir of your inheritance in Jesus. Please, dear Lord, use your Spirit to stir me to be generous and gracious. In the name of the greatest gift of all, Jesus, I pray. Amen.

"今天的诗句"上的这些想法和祷告都由Phil Ware 编著。如有疑问或想评论欢迎访问 [email protected]

Today's Verse Illustrated

Inspirational illustration of 以弗所书 5:3
