تأملات فى آيــة اليوم...

يتحدث بولس الرسول عن ادانة الغير لأشياء لا تخص ايماننا و يذكرنا انها ليست مهمتنا نحن ان ندينهم بل هي مهمة الله. يذكرنا ايضا ان الشخص الذي ندينه انه ملك لله و انه ليس من حقنا ان نحكم عليه و ندينه. فنحن كثيرا ما نجد عيوب صغيرة عند الاخرين و غير هامة بالنسبة لهم لكنها هامة بالنسبة لنا و نحكم عليهم غير ناظرين الى انفسنا و خطايانا. لنتذكر دائما اننا سنحاكم بنفس الطريقة التى ندين بها غيرنا.

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

The apostle Paul warned early believers against passing judgment on other Christians in matters not central to the faith. He also reminded them of whose job it is to judge in these matters — the Lord. He also emphasized that the person on whom they passed judgment belonged to the Lord — that person was HIS servant. Paul then asked them (and us) what right do anyone has to pass judgment on a person for whom Christ died and who is also a servant who belongs to the Lord?

Unfortunately, we can find fault and pass judgment on others about something nonessential while never dealing with the sin in our lives. We must not judge other believers in matters that are not central to our faith. We will answer to God for our sin and our judgementalism. Jesus warned that the harshness we use to judge others will be the harshness the Lord will use with us.


ايها الآب سامحنى. اعترف انى ادنت الكثيرين و انا ليس لي الحق ان افعل ذلك. اعلم ان يسوع مات ليخلصهم. اعلم انك تحبهم و لديك خطة لكل واحد فيهم. من فضلك استخدمنى لأسند و اشجع أولادك لا ان اعثرهم. في اسم يسوع اصلي. آمين.

My Prayer...

Father, forgive me. I confess that I have wrongly passed judgment on others when I had no right or authority to do so. I know Jesus died to redeem them. I know you love them and have a plan for each of them. Please use me to be an encouragement, never a stumbling block, to your children. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

التأملات و الصلاة على آيــة اليوم كتبت بواسطة فيل وير

Today's Verse Illustrated

Inspirational illustration of رومية 4:14
