
许多婴孩最初的发声,都是一些音节“ab, ab, ba, ba”。耶稣时代的婴孩也是这样称呼父亲,也就不足为奇了。当神拯救了我们,他也将自己的灵赐给了我们。圣灵在方方面面祝福我们,但关键的祝福之一,就是圣灵与我们一起祷告。当我们不知该如何用言语表达时,圣灵会为我们代求(罗马书8:26-27),并且圣灵还以熟悉、信赖和尊敬帮助我们亲近神,因为我们称呼神为——阿爸父。

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

The first vocalizations of many babies are the syllables "ab-ba, ab-ba, ab-ba." Not surprisingly, in Jesus' day, abba was the tender name babies used for their physical fathers. When God saved us, he gave us his Spirit. The Holy Spirit blesses us in many ways. One of the key blessings is the Spirit's work with us in prayer. He intercedes for us when words can't express the emotions we have inside us (Romans 8:26-27). The Spirit helps us approach God with familiarity, dependency, and respect as we call God our Abba Father.



My Prayer...

Thank you, Abba Father, for loving us, saving us, and inviting us into your family. Thank you, Holy Spirit, for helping us share our thoughts, words, and emotions with the Father when words won't do — they are simply inadequate to express our emotions inside of us. Thank you, dear Abba Father, for giving us the power to be what you want us to be. Thank you, Jesus, for the Holy Spirit at work in me, validating me as God's beloved child. In Jesus' name, I thank and praise you. Amen.

"今天的诗句"上的这些想法和祷告都由Phil Ware 编著。如有疑问或想评论欢迎访问 [email protected]

Today's Verse Illustrated

Inspirational illustration of 加拉太书 4:6-7
