

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

What foe can defeat us as the people of God? None when we gladly welcome the presence of our holy God among us! Our God, our Deliverer, is mighty in power, awesome in holiness, and greater than any of our foes. Throughout history, the Lord has repeatedly proven his love, presence, and power in and for us, his people. So, we can refuse to fear what the evil one threatens to do to us because our Savior has already defeated hell, sin, death, Satan, and demons. And we will enjoy that victory with him one day forever.



My Prayer...

Abba Father, calm my fears and soothe my anxious heart. By the power of your Spirit, please bless me with boldness and confidence as I seek to live for you in a world that is often hostile to my faith and opposed to your values. I ask these graces in the name of Jesus. Amen.

"今天的诗句"上的这些想法和祷告都由Phil Ware 编著。如有疑问或想评论欢迎访问 [email protected]

Today's Verse Illustrated

Inspirational illustration of 申命记 7:21
