Gedanken zum Vers des Tages

Johannes der Täufer benötigte wenige Worte für sein Rezept für Größe. Wie lautet dein Rezept? Ein ähnliches Rezept schlug Paulus den Galatern vor (Gal.4,19). Den Kolossern teilte er den Beweggrund für seine Mühe und für die Verausgabung seiner Energie mit, und dass das Gleiche auch mit ihnen geschieht (Kol.1,28-29). Den Korinthern erzählte Paulus, dass genau das durch den Heiligen Geist in ihrem Leben bewirkt wird (2 Kor.3,18). Was denkst du? Könnte dies das wahre Rezept für dein Leben sein?

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

This ultimate formula for greatness did not take many words for John the Baptist to articulate. What's your formula? Paul told the Galatians that they needed a similar approach to greatness: Christ must be formed in them (Galatians 4:19). He told the Colossians that he expended every ounce of energy God supplied to have them become mature in their complete and perfect in their conformity to Jesus (Colossians 1:28-29). Paul told the Corinthians the Spirit was transforming them to become like Jesus with ever-increasing likeness as they pursued Jesus as Lord (2 Corinthians 3:18). Most importantly, Jesus the goal of any of his faithful followers, his disciples, should be to become like him, their Teacher and Lord (Luke 6:40). So, don't you think that maybe this is the essential formula for your life? Jesus must become greater in us as what we selfishly want becomes less!

Mein Gebet

Lieber Vater im Himmel. Möge Jesus in meinem Herzen und in meinem Leben größer werden, während ich kleiner werde. In Jesu Namen, bitte ich. Amen.

My Prayer...

Dear Father in heaven, in my heart, and in my life, may Jesus become more significant and I become less because I know less of me, and more of Jesus living through me will be far more than I could ever be without him! In Jesus' name, I ask this. Amen.

Die Gedanken zum Vers des Tages und die Gebete werden von Phil Ware verfasst. Fragen und Kommentare senden Sie bitte an [email protected].

Today's Verse Illustrated

Inspirational illustration of Johannes 3:30
