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Thoughts on Today's Verse...

God can and will use us even though, at times, we are not worthy vessels for him to use. Scripture gives us many examples of people God used who did not meet his moral and holy requirements — for example, think about Samson or most of the other Judges! God will be revealed as the sacred, mighty, and awesome God that he is whether we do it or not. Let's be willing tools in his hands to do his divine work in our fallen world so the world can know his holiness revealed through us, in our lives, and our behaviors. Let's offer ourselves to him for his service and his glory.

My Prayer...

Holy Father, we ask that you purify us and make us holy — not just because of your grace but also demonstrated in our thoughts, words, and deeds. Create a clean heart in us and renew a righteous spirit in us by the power of your Holy Spirit. May our lives be holy offerings of praise to you, O, holy and mighty God. In Jesus' name, we offer ourselves and praise you. Amen.

The Thoughts and Prayer on Today's Verse are written by Phil Ware. You can email questions or comments to [email protected].

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Today's Verse Illustrated

Inspirational illustration of Ezekiel 36:23
