Pensamientos sobre el Verso de Hoy

Yo me crie en una familia con tres hijos varones. Mi papá creía que cada niño tenía que quemar cierta cantidad de energía cada día. Si no hubiésemos hecho eso la casa se hubiera vuelta inhabitable. Mi papá no tuvo que memorizar Proverbios 19:15, este versículo formaba parte de su ADN. Mientras crecía, no apreciaba el trabajo duro; por algo lo llamaban "duro." Yo me conformaba con ser un vago. Pero, con los años, aprendí que el trabajo duro tiene mucho valor, pero la pereza no tiene ninguno.

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

I was raised in a family with three boys. Dad had a theory: A certain amount of testosterone had to be burned off by each boy every day. If it weren't burned off daily, the house would quickly become unlivable, so he always had hard work for us to do outside. Dad didn't have to memorize Proverbs 19:15 — it was embedded in his DNA! Growing up, I didn't appreciate the importance of hard work. They didn't call it "hard" in our neck of the woods by accident! In those boyhood years, I would have been content to be a lollygagger (in "Cornbread English," that's what Solomon's ol' lazy, "shiftless man") without my dad's imposed work requirements as a boy. As I've grown older, I've found that working hard with my hands has many redeeming qualities, while being a lollygagger has NONE. Lollygagging should never be confused with genuine rest to honor God and help us prepare to do a week of hard work!

Mi oración

El Shaddai, Dios de todas las cosas, enséñame a encontrar el equilibrio entre el trabajo y el descanso para que pueda traerte honor y mostrar al resto lo bueno que es que gobiernes mi corazón y mi tiempo. En el nombre de Jesús, Amén.

My Prayer...

El Shaddai, God over all things, please teach me the balance between work and rest. Help me to balance both so that I can bring you honor and display your gracious rule over my heart and my time. Help me be productive, hard-working, and honorable. In the name of Jesus, I ask this. Amen.

Los pensamientos y la Oración del Verso de Hoy son escritos por Phil Ware. Puede enviar sus preguntas o comentarios a [email protected].

Today's Verse Illustrated

Inspirational illustration of Proverbios 19:15
